Thursday 16 October 2014

Some Basic Things About Object Oriented Programming.

Object Oriented Programming (OOP)  is a programming model that replicates real world objects.Objects are the
building blocks in object  oriented programming provides high level of data integrity.Unlike procedural programming languages where a logical procedure is written to accept input data ,process and give the desired output.In OOP,the programs are modelled around objects.The objects that need manipulation are identified.A general class is built around the object and the logical sequence built to act on the object and logical sequence but to act on the object is called the method.

Now Lets discus some other things which are evolved in Object Oriented Programming.

Objects: They are defined by two terms attributes and behaviour.An object as an entity has both data as well as behaviour.A human being has attributes such as teeth colour,skin colour,eye colour,width,height,behaviour,way of speaking,ways of handling situation and other behaviours such as talking walking and so on.

Attributes : The data stored within the objects is called the attribute.For example,a student in a school has register number,gender,address,date of birth.The information stored in these attributes differentiates the various objects that is the student.

Behaviour: It is what an object can do.In oop the behaviour is defined in the methods whereas in procedural programming languages,the behaviour is described in procedures,functions,constructor or subroutines.

Examples of objects :-  Yeah! It can be anything from human beings,tractors,buses,animals,menu bars,blogger templates,widgets,plugins and buttons on computer screens.

Characteristics of objects: 4 characteristics identity classification ,inheritance and polymorphism.

Identification :  Each object is distinct though  they have similar features.For example:all girls have similar features but each person has their own distinctive characters.

Classification :  Objects of similar attributes are classified under one class. Example. Animals,humans.

Classes: Classes are used to create an object and can be considered as the template or blueprint for the objects.A class us a collection of same type of objects.An object in a class displays the properties and behaviour defined in the class.A class consists of fields and methods to depict the behaviour of the objects

Examples:- Now lets us take the example of creating a shirt.First a paper pattern is created from which shirts can be made.From this paper pattern several shirts of same size and pattern are made.The paper pattern forms the template which is the class and shirt is the object.This creating applications based on a real world models enables the developer to understand the concept of better coding and hence it makes simpler..
Another good example is a bus.It can be a bus bus,or mini bus.

Advantages of OOPS : The main advantages of object oriented programming are:

  • Modelled on real world objects
  • Enables reuse of code
  • Offers flexibility in modifying codes of exiting applications
  • Easy maintenance of code

Principles of Object Oriented Programming:- OOP is based on four main principles.They are :
Inheritance ,encapsulation ,data abstraction and polymorphism.

So,these are the basic things which are evolved in Object Oriented Programming .Soon I am going to post about the Principles of Object Oriented Programming Language.
If you have any problem about anything about Object Oriented Programming ,then kindly comment and ask,I would be glad to reply you.